J. DELGADO, S.A. Rev.: 03 Page: 1of 1

The Management of J. DELGADO, S. A, with the scope: Manufacturing and Marketing of Mechanical Milking Articles and Grape Harvesting Machines. It has been in business for 37 years, and was established on 27/11/1985 with the following corporate purpose: Aware of the commitment it makes to its Clients and interested parties in general, it has the necessary resources to ensure that the products manufactured and marketed by the company strictly comply with specifications to satisfy the expectations and needs of its Clients.

To this end, it has implemented and applied in its organization a Quality Management System based on the UNE-EN-ISO
9001:2015 Standard, aimed at achieving the following objectives:
● Ensure that the Quality Policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the Company, and that documentary evidence of its compliance is kept.
● Promote management commitment to the entire Quality Management System.
● Train, motivate and involve all staff in the development of the implemented Quality Management System.
● Manage the processes required for the Quality Management System, in order to ensure that its operation and control are effective, maintaining it through continuous improvement.
● Maintain permanent contact with Clients and interested parties in general, collaborating jointly to improve the final result and assessing their level of satisfaction.
● Understand the current and future needs of Clients and relevant stakeholders, meet their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations and comply with applicable laws.
● Aim for a broadly participatory quality management that takes advantage of the capabilities of all staff.
● Achieve a mutually beneficial relationship with its Suppliers in order to increase the capacity of both to create added value.
This Quality Policy will be maintained and reviewed periodically, communicated to all employees and made available to the Client and interested parties.

The Quality Folder is where the philosophy and guidelines of the Quality Management System are collected, as well as the documented information consisting of chapters, procedures and records.
It is the responsibility of the entire organization of J. DELGADO, SA, and primarily of the people in charge of carrying out activities included within the Quality Management System, to comply with the provisions of said System.

The Management of J. DELGADO, SA appoints and delegates to Sandra Leal Piqueras, as Quality Manager , the verification of compliance with the Quality Management System, for which she has the necessary authority and independence within the organization of the Company. The Management will provide her with the necessary resources to achieve the established objectives.

Socuéllamos, 5 de Febrero de 2025

Fdo.: Sergio Delgad0 Trillo 

Manager of J. DELGADO, S. A.